About Dental Implants

What are Dental Implants

Before learning the benefits of dental implants, it is important to first understand what they are. Dental implants act as an artificial root, similar in shape to screws. When dental implants are placed in the mouth, they fuse together with the bone to support artificial teeth known as crowns. An abutment is placed on the dental implant to anchor it into place and support the crowns. Crowns will be custom made to fit the shape and size of the mouth and will look and feel just as natural teeth would. This makes dental implants one of the safest, effective and most predictable procedures in the dental world.

Dental implants

Who Can Benefit from Dental Implants?

Dental implants are a smart tooth restoration option for adults of all ages. Dental implants are used to correct the issue of missing or extracted teeth as a result of tooth trauma, injury or decay. Dental implants are not intended for young children, but are an option available to adolescents who have completed facial growth and development.

What are onlays and 3/4 crowns?

Onlays and 3/4 crowns are types of dental crowns that don’t cover as much of your underlying tooth as traditional dental crowns. A traditional crown will cover your entire tooth. Onlays and 3/4 crowns may be appropriate when you still have a solid tooth structure.

Facts About Dental Implants


Restores Confidence

Your smile is your most important feature, if you are someone who is missing teeth then this can have a definite impact on the way you perceive yourself and the way others may perceive you too. When it comes to dental implants they look, feel and function just as natural teeth would.



Dental implants are built to last! They are the most permanent form of dental restoration options out there. If a patient takes the proper steps to maintain them, such as brushing, flossing and visiting their local dentists for regular cleanings and check-ups then they can last for many decades. This is not the case with bridges or dentures, which must be replaced as often as every five to ten years.



When compared to dentures, dental implants offer much more security. They will not slip, slide or interfere with your speech. Other tooth restoration options simply do not fit into the mouth and can cause embarrassment and discomfort.

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